Stretchy Bracelet With Yellow Amber Beads

  • Brand: AmberMaster
  • Product Code: 8-17/A
  • Availability: 1

  • $60

A yellow, baltic amber stretchy beaded bracelet for adults. A classic and simple stone bracelet.

A beautifully natural, baltic amber, bead bracelet. This bracelet features a number of perfectly polished, bright yellow natural amber pieces with natural inclusion. The stones radiate incredible colours, demonstrating their natural beauty. The amber beads are joined together, threaded through a stretchy plastic rope which is sturdy and flexibleThis beautiful bracelet wearing for different occasions or every day. 


Weight: 20g

Gender Designed specially for women.
yellow Transparent amber with a natural yellowish tint and flickering air bubbles inside.
age_​group Designed for adults. Because of elastic band is suitable for any adult wrist in size.
Shipping $10

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Tags: stretchy, yellow, white, amber, bead, amber, bt=racelet, adult, elastic, band, polished, gemstones, inclusions

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